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About Lucki

Challenging the narrative, looking at perspectives and asky why?

Lucki 13 Media was created by someone that discovered all was not as it seemed. After years of listening to mainstream media it became apparent that they were not providing a full context, nor every angle of an event / incident. Instead of complaining and speculating Lucki set out to find the real time truths as well as question and promote sensible debates. Luckis aim is to bring you events or arguments, provide a context, but no narrative, just truth, and encourage you to come to your own conclusion, through research and dialouge. 

The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie  hurts forever.

Our Story


Started in 2023 Lucki 13 Media seeks to challenge narratives, provide perspectives and encourage snesible debates. 

Lucki (name obscured for security and work purposes) is a qualified Freelance Journalist, photographer with expertise in military history, strategy and tactics as well as equipment, vehicle and aircraft capability knowledge. In addition to a keen interest in national and international geopoltics.

Here at Lucki 13 Media we are just like you! We belive in the traditional values of journalism.Through Lucki 13 Media's core values of integrity, facts, impartiality and independance, values we belive are somewhat lacking at present.

Lucki's aim, using these core values, is to provide people with a perspective and also to encourage people to stop, think and ask why?

See our BLOG to what we are up to, our findings, interactive debates and articles. Through this blog is where you can directly interact with us, through sensible debate, counter opinions as well as provide evidence, we are always open, willing to listen and learn.

Our GALLERY is an area we will constantly be developing and updating, with images of events we have witnessed as well as providing a portfolio of our skills and general passions.

In order to develop and evlove we are always looking for the next story, the next big thing and the next event to attend. If you know of any up coming events or feel you have or know of a story that otherrs will want to hear and read about please contact us directly.

Our commitment is to you and to the truth.


Meet The Team

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